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Incoming students

Information concerning the forms to be filled, deadlines, accomodation, registration and Italian language courses can be found on the International Mobility portal of the University of Turin, in particular on the Instructions for incoming students web page.

Courses activated

The educational period starts from September and ends in June and it is organized in two semesters:

  •   First: from the end of September to January
  •   Second: from the end of February to June

A description of the set of courses offered by the department of Computer Science (e.g., course code and title, the professor(s) responsible of the course, the program, the number of credits) can be found on each web page course.

The set of courses activated each Academic year may be subject to variation, so we suggest the students to have a look at all the information on the official web site of the department to fill their Learning Agreement with the courses available in the academic year of reference. We remind that 1 CFU corresponds to 1 ECTS and to 8/10 hours of lessons in classroom.

Login activation

It is important to ask also login and password for our local web site (to use laboratory and other online services). You can ask to the Login office (see the timetable) bringing your Erasmus documents (Learning agreement and smart card obtained from the Infopoint or the International Mobility office) with you.

International Mobility office of the University of Turin

Vicolo Benevello 3/A, Torino - 3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRHj]#[l70rB1knk3kQQ3poBVcr4vGWJk7Q.b 
Tel. +39 011 670 44 25 - Fax +39 011 236 10 17

General information for foreign students3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRHj]#[l70rB1knk3kQQ3poBVcr4vGWJk7Q.b

Housing servicehousing anywherehousing anywhere - youtube channel

Erasmus Commission at the Department of Computer Science: 3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRH]#[f8uz.5kmosZiq3V57vStPe@RUfI9@

Studenti in uscita

Gli studenti che sono interessati a trascorrere un periodo di studio all'estero attraverso il programma Erasmus+ possono trovare tutte le informazioni utili sul sito dell'Università degli Studi di Torino, sezione Istruzioni per studenti UNITO.

Per informazioni generali sul programma Erasmus+, consultare il sito web ufficiale.

Sono disponibili alla consultazione alcuni documenti utili, di carattere informativo, sulle tabelle di conversione dei voti e sul learning agreement:

Istruzioni specifiche del bando in corso per gli studenti del CCL-LM di Informatica.

Linee guida per il riconoscimento delle attività formative svolte all'estero.

Tabella di conversione dei voti ECTS.

- Chiarimenti sul bando Erasmus+ (Registrazione web conference 19/02/2021).

Informazioni generali per studenti in uscita3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRHj]#[l70rB1knk3kQQ3poBVcr4vGWJk7Q.b

Servizi di internazionalizzazione Polo di Scienze della Natura: 3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRHjx]#[l70rB1knk3kQQOkoCZcn4cXdOZBEGQp

Commissione Erasmus del Dipartimento di Informatica: 3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRH]#[f8uz.5kmosZiq3V57vStPe@RUfI9@

Commissione per l’approvazione dei Learning Agreement di Informatica3K8CLE@v2FyrgPtBVwqAQlNkcsJRHjxX]#[f8uz.5kmosZi_1a2q8pR@3SMdOZBEGQp